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The landscape of software development is ever-evolving, driven by increasing demands for flexibility, scalability, and efficiency. Amidst this evolution, the concept of decoupled development gains momentum, emphasizing the importance of separating front-end and back-end. In this article, we will explore why this approach is becoming...

In the current technological landscape where most people are glued to their smartphones, the mobile development has become crucial in the strategy of many companies and entrepreneurs who have realized the importance of being present on mobile platforms. However, to create an effective app, it is...

For those who do not know or have never worked in an e-commerce operating environment, know that everything works on the brink of chaos. Some retailers keep a large dashboard visible to everyone with daily and monthly business goals, and depending on the color of...

After a few years as a manager/leader, I have been wondering if there should be a routine for this role. I ask this because we, in the technology area, fight for there to always be innovation and disruption of current models, among other things, because...

After more than fifteen years developing e-commerce for almost thirty customers, we have gained some important lessons, which have become basic premises for new projects to work correctly, mainly from the perspective of technology. On this path, we list a series of errors that are...